how many electric blue acara in a 75 gallon

Electric blue acaras dont consume plants very often. These fish are like your typical sucker fish but with more of a coolness factor, and they are smaller to boot. Electric blue acaras are an extremely popular hybrid cichlid. The bomber can carry up to 70,000 pounds (32,000 kg) of weapons, and has a typical combat range of around 8,800 miles (14,200 km . When you have multiple Electric Blues in the same tank its quite stunning to watch! Central and South America, Colombia, Venezuela, and Trinidad, Omnivore: Flakes, cichlid pellets, shrimps, fishes, worms, Prefers well-filtered water with a strong flow rate, Peaceful when kept with other large cichlids and similar species. 2. . These freshwater fish are not dwarf cichlids and cannot be kept in nano tank conditions! Theres no point in trying to save a few dollars by purchasing cheap, poor quality food, as that wont be good for your fishes health in the long-term. Due to their peculiar tendencies can cause some havoc in a community tank; however, this is rarely a major issue, and if the tank is large enough, they will keep to themselves. We seek to promote and sell equipment that works and understand that sometimes these will be products we do not carry so we are happy to part folks in the right direction :). Use a sandy substrate to cover the bottom of the tank, and place plenty of flat rocks on top that the female will use as a place to lay her eggs. That provides the fish with enough room to swim. There are many ways to set up a tank with the electric blue acara in mind. When the electric blue acara is between 8 and 10 months, it is considered mature enough to breed, and they will usually find their ideal pair in the tank on their own. Theyre quite peaceful and their list of compatible tank mates is rather long (well get into this further on). These are stocky, compact fish, growing to reach up to seven inches in length when fully mature, although they are capable of breeding at around four inches long. As well see, male and female pairs will need to form on their own in most scenarios. The top 10 tank mates for Electric Blue Acara. Like other cichlids, electric blues will rearrange the tank to how they like it, especially during spawning periods. Cookie Notice Although oscars are known for being violent, you can house them alongside adult electric blue acara. Some fish will become anxious and begin to hide. You will require a tank with a nominal capacity of 60 gallons if you want to keep a pair of electric blue acara and a bristlenose pleco. Electric blue acara are active swimmers that need a lot of open space to enjoy. Thus, it is best to alter pH over several days gradually. Size. The short course in Malawi's is as follows (note there are no "rules" here, only broad suggestions frequently very successfully broken): 2. The oscar was in a tank with tetras at the pet store, if that gives you an idea of his size, and the acara is about 3 inches. These fishes can be kept in groups and coexist nicely with their species. Since the female and male will be exceptionally active at the bottom of the tank during the breeding process youll want to stick with soft substrate (like sand). Keep in mind that while you should plant them close together to prevent a dense feeling, there should also be open space where the blue andinoacara pulcher cichlid can swim freely, as this is a cichlid that enjoys being active. If you can find a dark-colored substrate, that will help to really show off the fishes stunning, metallic coloration to the best effect. Plants that can gain traction in the aquarium substrate, as well as floating plants, are best. If you plan on keeping multiple Electric Blue Acara in the same tank youll need more space. Learn how your comment data is processed. Read this care guide to learn how you can help yours thrive! Electric blue acaras can successfully be kept with live plants, but only species that mind being uprooted from time to time. . This means you have a pretty generous range for most of the recommended water conditions. The care you put into choosing tank mates determines your fishs comfortability. For a single Electric Blue Acara, you would require a 30-gallon tank. But there's no one rule set in stone. It has fins of the same color and a dorsal fin that swims seamlessly through the water. Q: How many Electric Blue Acaras can be kept in a 75 gallon tank? Electric blue acaras are rarely aware that a bristlenose pleco is present in the tank, making it the best tank mate for all sizes of electric blue acaras. Luckily, these problems can be easily treated and easily avoided. Although the Blue Acara does occasionally visit the surface of the aquarium, fish that are hanging from the surface are generally sick. Temperature around 75-76F is also optimal. Although the fry is guarded by the male or female fish, during the first two weeks of their lives, the youngsters will stay close to their mother. This gives them a sense of security and allows them to let their guard down a bit (which is great for reducing stress). Caused by poor diet, unsanitary tank conditions, and Clostridium difficile bacteria. If planning on keeping a pair of electric blue acaras in a community tank with other species, then at least 55 gallons is recommended with a larger tank size being much more preferred. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The size of an adult electric blue acara can vary, but they usually grow to be somewhere between five and seven inches. It is not recommended to only keep one single electric blue acara as this could cause stress in the form of aggression or reclusion. 3 Red Severum 0.75-1"- Home Bred -Live Freshwater Tropical Aquarium Fish. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Electric Blue Acara Fry .75" -1.25" at the best online prices at eBay! Each additional specimen will need 15 gallons. Sometimes you might see them hiding out and being shy, and other times theyll be darting around exploring and digging through the substrate. These fish are very popular due to their intense coloration, compatible demeanor, and ease of breeding. South American cichlids of a similar size to the Acara can make suitable tankmates. All Possible Causes, Dropsy In Fish: Your Guide To Symptoms & Treatment, Clown Loach Care: Tank Size, Food, Lifespan, Tank Mates, Dojo Loach Care 101 (aka Weather Or Pond Loach), Picasso Triggerfish Care Guide: Size, Tank Mates, & Diet, Clown Triggerfish 101: Diet, Tank Size, Care Tips & Mates, Marine Betta or Comet 101: Diet, Tank, Mates & Breeding, Ribbon Eel Care Guide: Tank, Color Change, Diet & Size. Electric blue acaras are relatively large fish that enjoy their swimming space. These vibrant fish are sure to add some excitement to your aquarium. The name of the Electric Blue Acara does a great job summarizing their appearance. Buy a group of 8 young fish and grow them up. Fishs body swells up, loss of appetite, stringy, discolored feces, rapid breathing, lesions and ulcers appear on the body. For your fish to remain healthy and happy, youll need to maintain the tank and keep it clean. Additional aeration is usually not necessary but an air stone can be used to help circulate lower portions of the tank and to add aesthetic. The temperature in a breeding tank should ideally be about 77 degrees Fahrenheit; once the spawning is complete, you will want to remove the adult fish to prevent them from eating their fry. Their lifespan can be impacted by the usual factors that affect any fish. If you want the color of a small diano but cant keep it with electric blue acara as EBAs will eat it, the huge danio is the next best thing. This is a very manageable size and allows them to be comfortable in a fairly average tank. Install the heater and filtration unit, but dont switch them on. For many years, the Electric Blue Acara has been an extremely popular choice for those with a South American cichlid aquarium. Ideal Tank Mates Generally, keep your Acara Cichlids in groups of at least six or eight fish, while keeping the male to female ratio at 1:3. However, males and females can be difficult to tell apart, especially when theyre typically sold as juveniles in aquarium stores. These fish are not picky and are a joy to watch eat. Although these are one of the more peaceful cichlids, the Electric Blue Acara can be territorial and mildly belligerent, especially when spawning, so I recommend that you keep your specimens with other large cichlids. Pairs of Acaras that are kept in optimum conditions may spawn several times every year. If the light fixture is too intense, then floating plants and other aquarium decorations can be used to diffuse bright areas. Clown Loaches are one of the most popular freshwater fish in the aquarium scene. Their maximum size is 7 inches long when fully grown. Malawi bloat is a sickness that affects cichlids in Malawi. This is one of the most overlooked benefits of owning this fish in our opinion. Because blue acaras are not all that common and I would guess the electric blue is in fact a jack Dempsy. He has worked on making aquarium and pond keeping approachable. Hence set up yourfreshwater tankin a conscious way. With its ability to raise pH and hardness, this rock is an excellent choice for African Cichlids. Electric blue acaras are a type of hybrid South American cichlid. However, gravel can frustrate the fish and even injure them. So for the 75 gallon with a pleco you would want a filter or combo of filters that turn over about 1800 gallons per hour. Be careful not to overfeed your Blue Acaras, as that can lead to digestive disorders. Contact|Policy & Privacy|Resource|Advertisement, TheAquariumGuide is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, Black Phantom Tetra 101: Breeding Guide, Care, & Disease. I have 4 electric blue acaras & rainbow cichlid in my 75 gallon without any issue. But I would go with 4-5 electric blue acaras in a 55. with 2 plecos? Subpar living conditions, poor water quality, and high stress will significantly decrease how long they live. Set the water temperature to 75F (24C), the pH between 6.5 to 7.0, and the hardness between 3 to 12 dGH. Place an upturned saucer on the substrate. Make sure each tank buddy has the right shoal size to simulate group hostility. Otherwise, electric blues can be kept in a community tank setting as long as small fish species are able to find protection in size, a school, or in decorations. Blue Acara (Aequidens pulcher) - Named for the blue coloration they develop in adulthood, blue acaras are unaggressive, but they do tend to dig. The flatter the better! Add your decorations to the tank, rinsing them first to wash away any dust. They should not be kept alone, and it is better to keep them with a member of the opposite gender. Keep in mind that you will need at least a 90-gallon tank or larger to provide your Acara Cichlids with enough space to live and grow. The bacteria that you need in your biological filter media need the ammonia in untreated water to start the nitrogen cycle. Save. The average Electric Blue Acara lifespan is between 8-10 years in captivity. Mark has been featured in two books about aquarium keeping both best sellers on Amazon. The Library of Congress > Chronicling America > Evening star. The electric blue acara is a man-made variation of the regular blue acara and it is a cichlid that belongs to theCichlidae family. These cichlids grow up to 4 inches in nature, but they've been known to grow larger in captivity. The recommended tank size for the Electric Blue Acara is 30 gallons. How to Know If It Happens, Why Did My Ghost Shrimp Die? The fishes preferred habitat is streams where the current is strong, and the water is clear and well-oxygenated. They become sexually mature when they are 1 year old and about 4 inches. The proud mother of blood parrots, firemouths, convicts, red zebras, electric yellows, a jewel, a chocolate, a severum, an EBJD, a blue acara, a . If its taking your fish four minutes or longer to eat their meal, youre feeding them too much! Most cichlid enthusiasts keep their tanks simple with rocks, like Texas holey rock, ceramic flower pots, and driftwood. Switch on the heater and the filter system, and leave the tank to cycle for at least ten days before introducing any livestock. Any single-tailed goldfish with this trait is a Shubunkin, even if it was bred from another line. Treat the whole tank, raising the temperature to 82o F for three days, and use an over-the-counter, condition-specific remedy. Most cichlids are known for their aggression but the Electric Blue Acara is the well-behaved child in the family. In addition, most treatments entail raising the temperature of the water to aid in the diseases eradication. They have also been documented in several other countries as nonnatives, but little documentation of their range exists. Thank you for visiting! Weve heard of people putting them in slightly smaller tanks, but we strongly discourage that. Plants and vegetation are frequently floating on the surface of the bodies of water that electric blue acara inhabit. Significantly smaller fish (like neon tetra) can also bring out some aggression in this fish too, so steer clear of them if possible. The electric blue acara is a freshwater species of cichlid. To get a breeding pair, its recommended to purchase a small group of juveniles and allow them to pair off on their own. A long tank also has more surface area than a tall one, which makes for the greater oxygenation that this fish species prefers. This filter should be rated for at least 2x the size of the tank as these are relatively big fish. They spend their time rummaging around the substrate seeking scraps of food. The females get slightly larger than the males and have short fins. Because gas exchange occurs at the waters surface, disrupting it with a stream of bubbles to increase the oxygen content of the water. During spawning times, electric blue acara will become noticeably more aggressive and territorial. Blue Acara enjoy caves and areas of dense planting where they can hide if they feel stressed. If youre on the fence about purchasing this fish we wholeheartedly recommend that you go for it! Growth and Development. The best tank shape to choose for the Blue Acara is long rather than tall. Their dorsal fin starts about a quarter of the way back from the front of their body and extends all the way back to the start of their caudal fin. Because of this, some hobbyists only keep floating plants with their cichlids. Use antibiotics such as metronidazole, octozin, and others as the best treatment. If you have any rooted plants this might cause an issue because these little fish can uproot them on occasion. There arent any diseases that are exclusive to this species of fish. Caring for blue andinoacara pulcher cichlids isnt very hard, and the electric blue acara is one of theeasiest fish to keepand requires very little care. Electric blue prefers a large bloodworm and a tubule. When we first saw a picture we thought it was photoshopped! Substrate 1 Severum. At the same time as the water change, the substrate should be vacuumed to remove uneaten food and other wastes that might have accumulated. The most challenging part about breeding electric blues is getting a good breeding pair. Thats one of the reasons why a breeding tank is recommended. On top of being a relatively big fish, electric blue acaras can live for a surprisingly long time. It offers them a feeling of safety and helps them relax a little (which is great for reducing stress). Their fins do show gorgeous red coloring and their silvery bodies reflect cool blues and violets. This is usually pretty easy to notice so youll have a heads up that things are about to happen. Theyre very eager to explore and will often root around and investigate different areas of your tank. Blue acaras grow to a decent size and need room to swim. So, whether youre a beginner or a seasoned pro, read on for the essential information you need to care for these beautiful fish! Have you seen a Hillstream Loach and wondered why they look the way they look and if you could own them? You might also want to include some peaceful bottom dwellers, such as plecos or Corydoras catfish. These fish are egg layers, depositing their eggs on flat surfaces that are open to the water, such as flat rocks on the substrate. It is heavily planted, which gives plenty of hiding places and sight breaks. This will give them enough space to swim and be active. Gouramis have always been a popular choice for community tanks. However, if you maintain great water quality and give them a healthy diet these are unlikely to occur. Because bristlenose grows so little, you can house them in smaller aquariums. I would avoid the more aggressive cichlids and make the ACARAS the feature and ruler of the tank as they swim nicely and are very entertaining fish. For EBAs, the water temperature in the tank should be around 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Fish like the electric blue acara grow continuously throughout the first few months of its life. They are calm and friendly tank companions who do not bother electric blue acaras. If you dont want to hassle with this then you can feed them pellets and flake fish food provided it has enough nutritional value to keep them healthy. They dont fight or bother their tank mates, and they can be bashful enough to hide among the plants. The fishs body is mainly steel-gray with stripes and spots on its head and body. The bristlenose pleco is a smaller variant of the common pleco. They mainly stay towards the bottom of the tank but will venture into the upper middle portions at times. Get a double tier stand and have 2 tanks. However, this can vary slightly from tank to tank. Its crucial to remember that other fish in your tank might consume them, so pick suitable plants for everyone. Electric Blue Acara Care. Interacting with their tank mates can provide enrichment and stimulation to electric blue acaras. > February 03, 1963 > Page G-7, Image 75 Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1777-1963 or use the U.S. A 20-gallon breeding tank will allow for more control and overall success in keeping fry alive. It is tall, with a 75-gallon footprint. Tack on fifteen additional gallons for every new fish you want to keep. Temperature range: 77 to 78.5 degrees Fahrenheit. When choosing ready-made feeds, it is recommended to pay attention to specially developed mixtures for cichlids. Electric Blue Acaras have a typical, oval cichlid body shape with pointed dorsal and anal fins. I'm looking for any opinions on adding my two Regular Blue Acara in with them. Well cover everything from their ideal temperature range to their dietary needs. Join 8,000+ other Aquascapers and receive helpful aquarium tips and free stuff direct to your inbox. You can generally prevent this issue by getting a right-sized aquarium with enough fish and places to hide. Before you add any fish to the tank, use an aquarium water testing kit to ensure that the water is completely free from ammonia and nitrites. How many Blue Acara should be kept together? They are more likely to have deformities than the normal Blue Acara and are of a more peaceful temperament. They are larger fish that need to be fed several times throughout the day. Another disease that can harm electric blue acaras is freshwater ich. The blue acara originates from South America, mainly throughout parts of mainland Venezuela and off the coast in Trinidad and Tobago. Breeding electric blue acara is fun and easy. (Lets Find Out! They are regarded as a beginner cichlid species, forgiving imperfections and wavering water parameters. Quarantine all affected fish and treat using antibiotics, such as Octozin or Metronidazole. And, remember to share the article with your fishkeeping friends if you loved it! Once this is over the parents will watch over their eggs while they grow. The Aquarium Guide (TAG) was started to provide high-quality aquarium and aquascaping information, articles, and techniques in an easy to use and understand format. Electric blue acaras are hardier than most fish. Minimum Tank Size: Thirty gallons is the minimum, but I like to see adult angelfish in 55-gallon tanks or larger. Electric Blue Acara Care. Start by gathering everything you need to set up your tank: 1. My Electric blue has a fin that is completely torn up. You have some flexibility when it comes to choosing suitable Electric Blue Acara tank mates. If you have more than one electric blue acara, you need more space and more water, so plan when you set up your tank. Put the blue acaras in one tank and leave the other fishes where they are. The Electric Blue Acara (Andinoacara pulcher) is a fish in the rather extensive Cichlidae family. Thats why it is crucial to acknowledge whenever your fish gets under stress or is anxious. Set up a big tank for them. In this article, we will go for ten of the best Blue Acara tank mates, including some interesting facts about each of them. With a compact and stocky build, the electric blue acara species typically grow to around 13 cm (5.1 in), but can reach up to approximately 16 cm (6.3 in). Teach your children to maintain the fishs habitat if you have them. This is especially recommended if spawning these fish in the main display. Scouts honor . The electric blue acara can live for 10 years when kept in a property-conditioned tank. You can consider them fully grown by the time it is 8-10 months old. All in all, the electric blue acara has very basic cichlid care requirements. Use an aquarium gravel vacuum cleaner to remove fish waste, uneaten food, and plant debris from the substrate. These conditions range from murky, standstill waters to clear and running rivers. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a937fd7346e57686c00104913875bb53" );document.getElementById("c8f286cabb").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Get the latest on sales, new posts, and new videos! A good, balanced captive diet should contain fresh red earthworms, bloodworms, and tubifex, supplemented with frozen foods, including bloodworms and brine shrimp. The natural habitat of the electric blue acara has a diverse range of plant species. These fish are a flash of brilliant light in the aquarium with their bright blue bodies! If you want your fish to thrive, you must have good water quality and follow the suggested water parameter requirements. The problem is the tank dimension , normally a 55 gallon is very good option for cichlids because of its 48" in length. Does anyone know if 1 electric blue acara would be ok in a 29 gallon tank with probably: 2 angelfish, 2-3 dwarf gouramis, 1 bristlnose pleco, a few panda Cory catfish OR a few black Kuhli loaches. 36 gal Planted Swordtail community. what happened to crystalst,

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how many electric blue acara in a 75 gallon