which of the following is true of job analysis?

E) confirm the tasks that are to be performed on the job. C) the employee's subordinates. On closer inspection, he finds that a majority of the employees who quit were unhappy with the pay structures. It measures only the inputs of a work process. A. Telecommuting may support a strategy of corporate social responsibility. Aaron assesses the significance of each job to the organization, which helps him set up fair pay structures. C. It is a work option that empowers individual workers by adding more opportunities for specialization in their current job duties. A) It is a graphic representation of the stages in training. The last step in task analysis is to D) Information Next Tech applies research into physics and biochemistry to create advanced surgical instruments and implants. A. to make jobs less repetitive and more interesting Which of the following is true of informal learning? D) grow in the global market. A) Ensuring that employees have product knowledge WebThe meaning of job analysis is the practice of gathering and analyzing details about a particular job, such as responsibilities, day-to-day duties, hard and soft skills, qualifications, education, expected outcomes, interaction, performance standards, work conditions, physical abilities and supervision. the work performed in a job and how it gets done, the worth of the work: its relative contribution to the organization objectives, the value of goods/services an employee produces in a job, wage the employer and employee agree on for a job, relies on the work content - tasks, behaviors, responsibilities. it can become bureaucratic and rule-bound. Team members usually share work assignments. C) A majority of learners complete the course certification component. E) enhancing communication and developing a peer network. A major decision in job evaluation is to: Which of the following is a job evaluation method that can group a wide range of work together in one system but leave too much room for manipulation? D. Job descriptions define tasks, and job specifications define responsibilities. B. PAQ reports provide concrete recommendations useful for writing job descriptions or redesigning jobs. E) Return on investment, As a manager, Jorge wants to find out the impact of his company's behavior-modeling training program on his employees' communications skills. Simplifying work is especially beneficial when jobs are challenging and the costs of error are severe. Typed or legibly written copies of the job description are distributed to the first-level supervisors and the job incumbent interviewees. Henry has been newly appointed as the head of the HR team at AAS Technologies. D. KSAOs will enable line managers to carry out job analysis. B. PAQ reports are very useful for writing job descriptions or redesigning jobs. E. decreased specialization. Why would simplifying the jobs be beneficial in this case? You would describe her as C. Job specifications look at a job's activities, and job descriptions look at the qualities needed to do the job. B. job extension Preparing expatriates to return to the parent company is A. zero-hour contract C. a work flow design D. job enrichment Its research department attracts some of the most talented professionals in these disciplines, each with a passion for his or her specialty. A. job evaluation INRT Software Solutions is a firm that builds information systems for banks and other financial institutions. Dave wants to set up a manufacturing unit, so he meets with Rodney, a human resource manager at his company. Employees are required to be at work from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and can choose additional hours before or after this period. Together they define the necessary inputs. C) Cognitive adoption D. Employees can choose to work away from a centrally located work area. What are the parts of the vulva called, and where are they located in relation to each other? B. A) to understand opportunities for practice. A) develop a list of tasks performed on the job. Which of the following statements is a fact about telecommuting that would support implementing this policy? D. Team members only have the authority to schedule work. E. Information provided by observers who look for a match between what incumbents are doing and what they are supposed to do may be unreliable. In accordance to his beliefs, he wants to reduce the number of job levels and the pay differentials between the levels. B. the final step in designing a point plan involves. A. a zero-hour contract ________ is an example of a presentation training method. E. Self-managing teams consume more time and result in lower productivity. B) Skill-based C. increase the amount of reporting requirements and documentation E) This method of training can be used to transfer alternative problem-solving solutions. C. Text messages arriving on a salesperson's phone while she is meeting with a client E. job specification. B. E) It involves identifying the knowledge and skills required for the job. D. job specification C) pretest/posttest with comparison group WebPeter's true motivation is the challenge of delivering an error free, well performing system to the customer. A. Jacob works at PrimeClean Corp., a carwash company. Team members usually share work assignments. D. Its employees are highly motivated. ________ analysis involves determining the business appropriateness of training, given the company's business strategy. If James feels this way despite being happy with his current salary, he is most likely concerned about _____. They want to be sure that all the employees have a wide scope of decision-making authority. B. inputs from multiple sources such as incumbents and supervisors The PAQ is more effective than the task-oriented approach. E) Placing a value on the outcomes, Which of the following is the last step in a return on investment (ROI) analysis? Which of the following is most likely true of the organizational structure of LRPN Consulting? B. Self-managing teams do not have the authority to schedule work or hire team members. B. job analysis B. With the knowledge that a new division of jobs will be created, what would be the appropriate course of action for Mark to take next? E. employees in such departments tend to work in cross-functional teams. B. increased complexity C. The scope for employee errors is minimal. D) holding managers accountable E. Its employees have software certifications. The departments in the organization are based on the functions carried out by employees, such as customer service, marketing, tech support, and business consulting. D. job enrichment B) the reliability of the training. C. members of the production team making decisions regarding how to resolve problems with customers To do so, Anthony would most likely have to ______. A. Self-managing teams are highly involved in decision making. A. Identify the statement that is most likely to support this argument. A. job evaluation D. The term stands for knowledge, skill, adaptability, and other characteristics. B. C) Task C) expatriate B. C) identify the jobs to be examined. The firm has a team of interior designers working closely with manufacturers to create home dcor products. D. a job requires a variety of skills to carry out the tasks involved D) Course topics are primarily focused on science and technology. All the details including the amount of washing liquid to use for each type of car are clearly specified. It is developed using benchmark jobs and then applied to non-benchmark jobs. A. In the past, hospitals deferred to physicians' judgments in how they carry out their work. Bitstar Global Inc. is a soft-drink manufacturing company. While evaluating training programs, acquisition of knowledge is measured using B) Traditional classroom instruction is one of the most expensive methods of training. This method considers only the inputs of a work process, ignoring the outputs. Errors in job analysis have multiple sources, but most result from outdated job descriptions. B) Organizational A. telecommuting More recently, hospitals have begun asking surgical teams to use pre-surgical checklists aimed at avoiding miscommunications and oversights. B. E. the Position Analysis Questionnaire. The systematic process of collecting information that identifies the similarities and differences among jobs is known as, If several incumbents, supervisors, and peers respond in similar ways to job analysis questionnaires, it suggests that the results are most likely to be, A group of tasks performed by one person makes up a(n). This process might involve a questionnaire to all employees. C) Task C. the extent to which a person receives clear information about performance effectiveness from the work itself (T/F) External Competitiveness. C. combines several relatively simple jobs to form a job with a wider range of tasks. D. A telework arrangement is easy to set up for manufacturing workers. A. a job requires a variety of skills to carry out the tasks involved in the job and its duties Which analysis should his supervisor complete? C) Performance support system A) task Which of the following documents includes these considerations to help Nathan in selecting a candidate? E. The information-processing requirements of the job are minimal. C. Fleishman Job Analysis System C) pretest/posttest comparison group Marjorie has been given the task of conducting job analyses and creating job descriptions for the site engineers. B. KSAOs will be a resource for writing job descriptions. She comes across an advertisement in a newspaper seeking applications for the position of an HR manager. The ________ evaluation design is necessary for this purpose. Mike should conduct an interview with George to get an overview of the job and to understand how the major duties fit together. Job descriptions do not include the job title. A. a utilization analysis Most unions prefer which of the following? Simplifying work is especially important when jobs are challenging and employees are poorly trained. D. The workers work alone at highly specialized jobs. C) Affective Education, Communication. E) employees' skills. B. to increase efficiency by identifying the best way to perform a job The advertisement exclusively highlights requirements such as strong communications skills, excellent teamwork abilities, and leadership skills. E. Job descriptions look at a job's activities, and job specifications look at the qualities needed to do the job, Catherine is an HR executive looking for a new job. E) ensuring fair treatment, ) Establishing a mentoring process is part of the ________ component of an effective managing diversity program. C) compensation E. selection, Aaron, an HR manager, observes that the number of employees quitting their jobs has been steadily increasing over the last six months. A. increased efficiency Jobs are most susceptible to outsourcing when inputs and outputs can easily be transmitted electronically. Which of the following would be a benefit to the company if it plans on applying industrial engineering to existing jobs? C) Dedicating physical space to encourage teamwork D. line managers Multiple Choice It helps forecast how many and what types of people are required. To do this, which of the following should Dave define? B) onshore phase. The firm uses a standardized job analysis questionnaire containing 194 questions about work behaviors, work conditions, and job characteristics that apply to a wide variety of jobs. E) They offer participants many opportunities for synchronous interaction. Which of the following is the first stage in the training design process? D) It involves determining the business appropriateness of training. They help HR professionals ensure that all aspects of talent management are aligned with an organization's strategy. E. It is a work option that enlarges jobs in an organization by moving employees among several different jobs. A. KSAOs are characteristics of people and are not directly observable. D) Repatriation phase Which of the following is a true statement regarding KSAOs? Medium View solution > Explain the following: Blake wanted Dominic to learn how to create expanded spreadsheets with complicated filters and formulas. D) reaction to the programs. Which of the following is true of the presentation method of training? which of the following is true of procedural justice? E) Emphasizing that learning is under the employees' personal control. Would you expect the amount of applied overhead for a period to equal the actual overhead costs of the period? D) Informing the employees about the times their peers have failed to benefit from the training E. Establish a centralized decision-making process. B. performance appraisal E. KSAOs should limit the number of factors listed in job specifications. B) Cost The _____ method of job evaluation is the most commonly used method in the United States and Europe. It is a work option that allows full-time employees to choose start and end times within the guidelines specified by an organization. Which of the following would qualify as a compressed workweek? B. penalizing companies that allow employee participation in ergonomic redesign Samcys selects security guards, conducts background checks, provides them with uniforms and training, and schedules guards to patrol and monitor security at clients' facilities. Its employees have previous experience in performing similar jobs. C. They support the strategy of corporate social responsibility by reducing an employee's need to commute using a vehicle.
Over 6 years in FMCG manufacturing, 18 years in food packaging of beverage cartons & cans and 3 years in Central Kitchen. A. Telecommuting may support a strategy of corporate social responsibility. It is the list of tasks, duties, and responsibilities (TDRs) that a particular job entails. B) compliance. E. job extension, Which of the following arrangements would qualify as job rotation? Identify the disadvantage of using the Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ). Which of the following companies is the most appropriate for her? B. streamlining jobs to make them simpler and more efficient B) Calculating the total savings D. the ability to align researchers' work with the company's strategy C) economic value of training. E. Employees work 10 hours a day so that they work fewer days per week. A) On-site phase A job safety analysis (JSA) is a procedure which helps integrate accepted safety and health principles and practices into a particular task or job operation. Employees in a company's accounting department work 10 hours a day for 4 days a week, while employees in the other departments work 8 hours a day for 5 days a week. Job descriptions focus on the qualities or requirements a person performing a job must possess. C) Postdeparture phase A) Determining the training costs D. Simplifying the mental demands of the jobs may enable a hospital to replace high-priced physicians with technicians. B. What is the validity of Steve's argument? WebWhich of the following is not a component of Job Analysis? C. This method cannot be used to compare dissimilar jobs. The structure of HealthCo Hospital is strongly based on function. Which of the following is true of competency models? D. Mark should consider preparing new job descriptions since new jobs will be created in the organization. E) The economic value of training, ________ outcomes are used to measure the acquisition of knowledge. This work rule allows employees to work additional hours before or after the time period in order to work the full day. C) reaping the benefits of training. B. evaluating employee performance in order to establish a rational pay structure. D. Industrial engineering will provide measurable and practical benefits. D. Searches for office supplies that generate 12,000 results to compare WebEngaging and proactive Leader in supply chain and manufacturing operations for in FMCG, packaging & F&B sectors. Show that if a satellite orbits very near the surface of a planet with period T, the density (mass/volume) of the planet is =m/V=3/GT2\rho=m / V=3 \pi / G T^{2}=m/V=3/GT2. D) pretest only with comparison group Which of the following is true of telework arrangements? The individual characteristics of those in the job should also be analyzed and be in the outcome of the job analysis. C. to decrease the burden of decision-making responsibilities for employees A. In this scenario, the approach used by TreeTime is characterized as: Which of the following acts requires that essential elements of a jobthose that cannot be reassigned to other workersmust be specified for jobs covered by the legislation? B) Clarification of questions is dependent on on-site instructors. Among the available job positions are those of system administrators and chief technology officer. C) provide the resources necessary for employees to use training content in their work. C. job design D. Depending on external job analysts to supplement incumbents' information could be risky due to the relative inexperience of the analysts involved. C) clearance. C) virtual-reality training. A. C. Incumbents provide accurate information, but they may have an incentive to exaggerate what they do to appear more valuable to the organization. ________ involves development programs, courses, and events that are developed and organized by the company. D) It is a verbal agreement among trainers on the training methods to be used. E) Performance. D. employees expect their managers to empower them by allowing them to work in self-managing teams. Expert Answer 1. D. A. empowers workers by adding more decision-making authority to their jobs. C. compressed workweek E) Offshore phase. D. the degree to which a job requires completing a "whole" piece of work from beginning to end D. It uses an online platform to provide information about available federal jobs. E. They are only created for different occupational groups in an organization. B) MOOC training. A. Divide tasks among employees in greater detail. If an organization decides to take a strategic initiative of enhancing innovation and creativity, which of the following is likely to be an implication for the organization's training practices? C. utilization analysis A. experience in setting up divisions based on customer groups A. A. HR executives The U.S. federal government has developed a step-by-step approach to conducting conventional job analysis. A) The acquisition of knowledge A. A set of identical positions makes a _____. which of the following is a disadvantage of the point method? A. A) top management support The manager of a local grocery store introduces a short conveyor belt that allows customers to place items on it prior to checking out. The temperature of 2.5L2.5 \mathrm{~L}2.5L of a gas initially at STP\mathrm{STP}STP is raised to 210C210^{\circ} \mathrm{C}210C at constant volume. Which of the following methods requires evaluators to agree on which jobs are the most and least valuable, then the next most and least valued, and so on, until all the jobs have been ordered? Which of the following processes involves analyzing the tasks necessary for the production of a product or service? E. the creation of comprehensive and detailed job descriptions, C. fixed and unchanging job descriptions for various jobs. The industrial engineering approach is most likely to emphasize _____. E) Strategic, Collin was hired to work on data analytics, but once he started, the job quickly changed to project management. The employees at NeiFra Infosystems Inc., a website design company, have been struggling to provide quality services to clients. A. job sharing This is true. It uses a common language that generalizes across jobs to describe the abilities, work styles, work activities, and work context required for various occupations. A. Pairing up expatriates and their families with an employee from the host country is likely to occur in the B) emphasizing that learning is under employees' personal control. E) identify the equipment and working conditions required for the tasks. Software that creates a graph of daily production levels for a supervisor, B12-Path uterus and endometrial disorders, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson. This method relies on fixed job titles and narrow task descriptions. LRPN Consulting is a business consulting firm based in Nevada. Information cannot be considered to be an input because it is not tangible. A group of individual jobs with similar characteristics, reveals the actual work performed and its purpose or outcome, a copyrighted, standardized job analysis questionnaire that can be used for just about any job C. ergonomic E) Computer-based instructions have made instructor-led classroom instruction obsolete. ) E) It is more useful when instructors can visit the trainees. E. job sharing, Walters & Williams, a consulting firm, equips all of its employees with laptop computers, which they use at their desks and carry to client meetings. B) conveying new facts and different philosophies. Following its successful implementation, which of the following outcomes should he expect? A) Information absorption C. job training A. In the context of job evaluation methods, which of the following is a common way of ranking? B) having basic skills. A) the work environment. The PAQ considers the whole work process, from inputs through outputs. D. They are limited to employees who are disabled or need to be available for children or elderly relatives. Tacit knowledge is different from explicit knowledge in that.

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which of the following is true of job analysis?