iowa students identifying as cats

A grandmother of a student reported that a crew of kids dressed as cats has been hissing and scratching at others. TikTok False: The claim is. [] reports have popped up elsewhere. "However, our Midland PS stakeholders may be confused about a false message/accusation that has resurfaced this week and is gaining traction in the social media realm.". You'll probably be catphobic if you refuse to pet them. Im just embarrassed by what this has gotten to," she said. Associated Press, "Wisconsin school district does not have furry protocol," April 6, 2022, Associated Press, "Nebraska lawmaker apologizes for debunked litter box claim," March 29, 2022, Des Moines Register, "Carroll Community School District superintendent: No litter boxes in schools," Feb. 10, 2022, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, "Furries eating out of dog bowls at school? When my children were little, I didn't give them any gadgets in their hands. The inmates cannot continue to run the asylum. A woman who was working as a substitute teacher posted a video to social media alleging she was fired by school officials for not "identifying with" a student who "identifies as a cat" after she refused to meow back at the child in class. On the October 11 episode of his Joe Rogan Experience Spotify podcast, Rogan claimed that a school "had to install a litter box in the girls room because there is a girl who's a furry, who . Even more disturbing is the fact that the private school she attends is willing to acknowledge her feline self-identification and permits her to act like a cat in school so long as her behavior doesnt disrupt the class, according to the Herald Sun. The only animals allowed in public schools are for the blind or those with a medical condition requiring a dog. Those people call themselves Therians or Otherkin and are NOT a part of the Furry fandom. So 2 middle school kids are allowed to identify as cats and go to school? This group of fussy felines has apparently made life difficult for this grandmother's grandchildren. "This is still a problem. As you would make yourself available to a student with an academic issue or a student who identifies as LGBTQ, making yourself known as a student advocate for all students is essential. Supposedly, a female student was identifying as a cat. A SCHOOL in Michigan has bizarrely been accused by outraged parents of installing litter boxes in bathrooms for students who identify as cats and dogs. Many of the challenged books have LGBTQ themes. Others were enjoying poking fun at the gullibility of those who were outraged in their misguided belief that children were using litter boxes instead of toilets in school. "To date, nobody has been able to show that there is a law for the average American citizen working day in and day out to pay an income tax.". They dont literally think that theyre cats or dogs, or whatever, and theyre not asking schools to put litter boxes in, or any of this nonsense.. (KCCI) - A school district in Iowa has been hit with rumors saying that students who "identify as cats" are allowed to use litter boxes in the school restrooms. Iowa Capital Dispatch maintains editorial independence. Once you see through this political cat-and-mouse game, the litter box story just seems doggone sad. "The students are told they can't wear hats or Budweiser shirts in school, but they can wear cat ears, cat tails, masks, leashes. When I read such news, I ask myself if the advent of the Internet was a good event. The Meade County School district is dealing with an unusual situation: a group of high school students is attending school acting like and dressing as cats. He is going on 16 years old this year, and has been with us a long time. Two curious stories relating to cats have been circulating online this week: In the first story, a substitute teacher claims she was fired because she refused to meow back to a student who identifies as a cat, while parents in a Michigan school district were infuriated by a rumor that the district was providing litter boxes to cat-identified students in school bathrooms. His note came amid a heightened scrutiny of schools across the nation, where curriculum about race is being questioned and the recommendations of certain books might lead to criminal prosecution. I live about two blocks from the school board administrator in my county, whom through his wife told us that a young lady in our district is indeed putting up a squabble about being denied accommodation as a cat. ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) A rumor going around on social media has been raising some eyebrows. But the other girl wanted to one up everyone, and decided she was really a demon instead. FUR-REAL: Iowa students, parents report kids wearing collars, barking, hissing as furries, Des Moines teacher talks about how she works around law banning CRT in class, LETTER: Axne ignoring what is happening to America, Constitutional amendment protecting parental rights in education reintroduces by Rep. Lesko, Hinson Continues to Champion Parental Rights, Bishop Reintroduces Legislation to Fully Defund Critical Race Theory, School Cafeteria Tables Are Being Lowered for "Furries" Texas Monthly - News Point Club, Pixel Scroll 1/27/22 All Ringworlds Great And Small | File 770, Pixel Scroll 1/27/22 All Ringworlds Great And Small - Newzlab. Official govt docs expose Michelle Obamas 14 year history as a man., "Woody Harrelsons 60 seconds in the middle of his monologue was cut out of the edits released after the show., BREAKING Trump preps Marines to stop presidential coup.. A world where people identify as animals is upon us. But as of right now, I have not been able to verify a single one of the claims. I just always had a fascination with cats and I felt myself, I'm a cat. Wow! Disgusting, but not life-threatening. Iowa Jan 9, 2022 #1 I refused to believe it the first time I was told this, but have been told by three different people, that I generally trust, that schools are putting kitty litter in their restrooms due to students identifying as cats. Go to the fifth roweverybody's there. Enjoy The Healthy Aging Support of Collagen Get 51% Off Here This is my FAV trusted source ^^^^ One California. "Vicki McKenna Promotes . ! wrote Carroll resident Shelly Loew on Facebook, in a now-deleted Monday post of which Iowa Capital Dispatch obtained screenshots. Staff members are not encouraging or accommodating anyone behaving or identifying as a cat or any other animal, Superintendent Casey Berlau said Tuesday in a note to parents in the western Iowa district. Im sure you can appreciate the difference between internet bullshittery and a legitimate, verified instance of a school district making allowances for furries or putting litter boxes in school bathrooms. The video's creator does appear to be a high school teacher, according to her past videos, but the story is entirely made upironically, as an exercise to "create awareness" of what kids are going through at school, according to other videos posted several days later by the same account. In 2021 and 2022, various American conservative and far-right politicians and media personalities promoted the hoax in response to . Many people are doing what amounts to an experiment on these young people without telling them its an experiment. Who's doing it?' The story was made up by the TikTok user, who later posted an update expressing her disappointment at how "fake news" is made and affirming that she was not fired. Kentucky school district: Students are dressing and acting like cats, For Iowa Republicans, its all about the kids, except when its not, Iowa school board member gets ripped for saying public education is 'not to teach kids what parents want. Imagine being such a tone deaf journalist that you miss the whole point that this is about transphobia and mocking trans people. It's more about the complexity of neural connections. "The students are told they cant wear hats or Budweiser shirts in school, but they can wear cat ears, cat tails, masks, leashes. And this little girl in the very front row says, 'You have to meow back at him; he identifies as a cat.' can't make this up . "Let me be clear in this communication. Crow laughed. I start looking on the ground, through the fourth roweverything's good. Sharrow said the rumor was recently brought up by a parent during a school board meeting on December 20 and has since been shared widely online. The schools superintendent, Michael Sharrow, was forced to do damage control with a public statement, telling parents its a source of disappointment that I felt the necessity to communicate this message to you., There is no truth whatsoever to this false statement/accusation, Sharrow wrote. Feline humor, news and stories about the ongoing adventures of Buddy the Cat. An Iowa newspaper reported some students in a small town in their state identified as cats. stated on February 13, 2023 in social media posts. But thats beyond the scope of this blog, which is to celebrate cats, have a laugh and occasionally put the spotlight on animal welfare. Only rumor. A Michigan superintendent said a rumor that a school district has litter boxes on school grounds for students who identify as furries to use the bathroom is false. Then, there was the news of Lia Thomas, the male transgender swimmer who competed for the female swimming team at the University of Pennsylvania. In a follow-up video the teacher admitted she made up the story to create awareness of what kids are going through at school. She didnt elaborate, so its not clear if she was criticizing school policies for allowing students to identify as different genders or arguing that kids needs arent accommodated. Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Human civilization has to put a halt to these destructive behaviors. And others, who call themselves furries, create animal alter egos and interact with others who do the same. Therefore, if you identify as a dog or cat you can no longer go to a public school because animals are not allowed. There are websites that claim there is a catgender movement, but that is a different thing. Good question! Top image: A 20-year-old Norwegian woman who identifies as a cat. Parents and school folk need to put their paws (feet) down and get real. "I was hearing rumblings of this last year, but it really got bad when they went back to school this year. Two curious stories relating to cats have been circulating online this week: In the first story, a substitute teacher claims she was fired because she refused to meow back to a student who "identifies as a cat," while parents in a Michigan school district were infuriated by a rumor that the district was providing litter boxes to cat-identified Ill have my tuna on rye, not mixed with kibble, thanks. Happy birthday to Nano, and hopefully hell have many more! Tips for School Counselors to Support Students Self Identifying as "Furries", "Therians", or "Otherkins" 1. Dr. Paul McHugh, former psychiatrist-in-chief and director of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at Johns Hopkins University Hospital (and current distinguished professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences), echoed this sentiment when discussing the medical field and transgender people. For heavens sake, dont allow this to go on! I understand that children do this because they want attention and don't know how to behave. If they are not claimed within 72 hours, they need to be euthanized. First, the obvious, or perhaps not-so-obvious considering the media attention and outrage surrounding both stories: Neither one is true. And the school was allowing kitty litter to be placed in the classroom or bathroom or both. If youre on the right, youre might argue that some schools have gone so overboard with political correctness, its not a stretch to imagine privileges conferred on the allegedly cat-identified. If they feel they are cats, they should stay home, get a liscense and a rabies shot and use their back yard or litter box. These kids are already an astronomical risk for adverse mental health outcomes and suicidal ideation, Crow said. USA TODAY. These situations have been addressed consistently by administration and the dress code policy will continue to be implemented with fidelity. "And now schools are wanting to put litter boxes in the schools for these . And today, I am equally stunned and a little bit upset -- well, not a little bit -- I'm furious," she said, according to a video of the meeting posted to YouTube. The issue . Your email address will not be published. Regarding the Norwegian woman, that one startled me as I have a cat named Nano. 2023 Imagine that! Are you kidding me?" A hair-raising group of youth are apparently terrorizing a Meade County high school. Comments above just about cover it. 801 3rd St. S You guys are truly ignorant. This is a cat-focused blog, so my interest here is the idea that cats have been dragged into the ongoing American culture wars. What in the world is happening? As if identifying as newly invented "genders" was not outlandish enough, indoctrinated and confused victims of government schools are now coming to class wearing tails, fake animal ears and . Why did people believe them? ," one Twitter user responded. We ask that you edit only for style or to shorten, provide proper attribution and link to our web site. These furries, as were told they are called, are also allowed to hiss and meow at other students. (KCCI) - A school district in Iowa has been hit with rumors saying that students who "identify as cats" are allowed to use litter boxes in the school restrooms. Not only that, but for you to also identify them as cats. In a world of wild talk and fake news, help us stand up for the facts. Yes, there are instances where accommodations are made for students who have disabilities as required by law and district policy. She continued: "It was addressed by a child a couple of months ago that they are put in an environment where that are kids that identify as a furry cat or a dog or whatever. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The grandmother is urging parents and family members to attend the Meade County School Board meeting on Sept. 14 to request further action. Theyre also allowed to bark. In Kentucky a spokesperson for a school said a TikTok trend has students making animal noises toward each other specifically barking. Being too OPC is retarded. It doesnt affect me and either way, there are myriad remedy to stop it. In another video, the author scrolls through TikTok and YouTube reels featuring her "little rant. Urinating and dedication in a litter box, for others to clean up is unsanitary and quite frankly disgusting. Michigan GOP co-chair Meshawn Maddock soon amplified the cat scat claims. The parent goes on to suggest this is part of a larger "agenda" nationwide. You can also support us on PayPal at. An Iowa superintendent sent a letter to parents to dispel the myth. First, contact the humane society for not having a valid animal license and not wearing a tag. There is nothing safe and healthy about this. They got the guts to eat cat food at lunch? School districts in Iowa, Michigan and Nebraska have debunked claims that they are providing litter boxes in bathrooms. Some things in life, like cats, are too good to be muddied by Americas toxic ideological wars. Brogan, Dylan. If a student who identifies as a coyote tries to kill and eat a student who identifies as a cat, is the teacher allowed to interfere? Monique Curet , PolitiFact. she asks, incredulous. Hearst Television participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. "I don't know if I wanna have children, because of how f***ing nuts this world is now," a YouTube streamer with more than a million followers said, after playing the video. We did not find any credible news reports that say schools are providing litter boxes. The litter boxes in schools hoax (also called the litter box canard) is a false rumor alleging that certain North American schools provide litter boxes in bathrooms for students who "identify as cats", or who participate in the furry or otherkin subcultures. I have two grandkids in school and my grandkids didnt want to go to school anymore," she said.She said the issue gained attention on social media once people started sharing photos and videos of the feline costumes and behavior, "I started getting videos and messages from kids, and I said, 'Ok, Im going to post this so parents know whats going on. Seven most shocking Playboy Mansion revelations from cocaine-addicted dog to Hugh Hefner's 'Pig Night' orgies. We did not find any credible news reports that say schools are providing litter boxes. A gender identity is something innate to a person; a core component of their being that cant be changed, Crow said. "They identify with animals. Theres a lot of chatter that there is a girl at West that identifies as a furry and the school board is debating on whether to install a litter box for her. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); ***The Iowa Standard is an independent media voice. European cat, Felis catus, brown tabby kitten in litter tray. Sorry, not a known recognizable language. The rumor had also been peddled on Facebook by the co-chair of the Michigan GOP, Meshawn Maddock. The state's House of Representatives Thursday approved House Bill 1749, which would bar public schools and state colleges and universities from requiring that teachers use students' preferred. Sorry, no feline accomadations in the school. "Parent . Like us on Facebook follow us from our main Twitter account at@TheSunUS, 2020 THE SUN, US, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY | YOUR AD CHOICES | SITEMAP, The bizarre rumor pertains to a school in Michigan's Midland Public Schools District, Parents have claimed that at least one litter box was installed in a unisex bathroom for children who identify themselves as 'furries', Superintendent Michael E. Sharrow outright dismissed the rumors, A parent referenced the bizarre claim in a Dec. 20 meeting, A furry is someone who role-plays or identifies as an animal, or an animal character with human-like characteristics. An Iowa newspaper reported some students in a small town identified as cats. Alternatively have them DNA tested. Who is Suzanne Morphew and when did she go missing? March 3, 2022. This whole furry thing has just got me. The Iowa Standard has heard from a handful of parents across the state concerned about students identifying as "furries" at various schools throughout the state. Dont think its not happening in your area because it probably is. Digital IDs were given to residents in East Palestine, Ohio, to track long term health problems like difficulty breathing before the Feb. 3 train derailment. There is documentation of bull sharks in the Great Lakes. Find this story at Iowa Capital Dispatch, which is part of States Newsroom, a network of news bureaus supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. We did not find any credible news reports that support the claim. In Iowa, an unsourced, anonymous reportclaimed that school boards were considering placing litter boxes in the bathrooms, while a Canadian public school director took to the mediato connect similar rumors in his []. Go to the bathroom in a toilet and flush. In NY state, a baby can be aborted at birth, but it is illegal, no joke, to declaw a cat. And we should reject the request of a transgender student to use the restroom that matches their gender identity, in the same way that we should reject a student request to use a litter box., Furries dont identify as cats or other animals, Crow said. A Nebraska state lawmaker apologized after he publicly cited a debunked rumor alleging that schools are placing litter boxes in school bathrooms to accommodate children who self-identify as cats . Why would this be allowed in the school systems anywhere? I have two grandkids in school and my grandkids didnt want to go to school anymore," she said. '"The grandmother said a petition to end the practice was created by students and has more than 1,000 signatures. Nebraska's Bruce Bostelman apologises for repeating rumor that schools accommodating children who self-identify as cats Associated Press Tue 29 Mar 2022 10.47 EDT First published on Tue 29 Mar . We thought, no way., But then we thoughtwell, you never know.. This isnt a real thing. This is about stupidity not transphobia. Theyre all just like yours: A friend of a friend says it happened in their daughters district, or a teacher friend said she heard a school put a litter box in a bathroom. Secondly, the parents need to be cited for having an unlicensed animal and have not had their rabies shots! Because weve gone insane as a society, of course, and basic reality now means different things to different people depending on their political ideologies. These situations have been addressed consistently by administration and the dress code policy will continue to be implemented with fidelity. It isnt how I pictured civilisations collapse. The woman says she was born the wrong species. My psychologist told me I can grow out of it, but I doubt it, she told an interviewer. Washington, DC ", The post was flagged as part of Facebooks efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. 33701 The enabling of this behavior is halping people with legitimate mental health issues get applause instead of the medical help they truly need. Bizarre moment woman turns up at McDonald's drive-thru on a HORSE. Curiously, this is the second piece of misinformation purporting that students are identifying as animals this week. WARNING RANT!!! Rumors began to surface that these students were permitted to use litter boxes in bathrooms to. This is sadly happening, and even in rural, conservative, farm country, Iowa. However, by constantly celebrating their decisions as brave, holding parades, allowing them to compete in sporting events with biological women, naming them women of the year, or even acknowledging gender identity as something more than junk science, society merely reinforces disturbing behaviors.

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iowa students identifying as cats