famous descendants of george soule

Rachel married John Cobb on 5 Sep 1688. Committee on magistrates and deputies, [blank] October 1650 [PCR 11:155]. Joshua Soule (John3, George1) was born on 12 Oct 1681 in Duxbury, Massachusetts and died on 29 May 1767 in Duxbury, Massachusetts. All other George Soules found in England at that period have been satisfactorily eliminated. Soule was also on a similar committee in 1640. Read more, Alicia Christian "Jodie" Foster (born November 19, 1962) is an American actress, director, and producer. Mercy was born before 1690 and died before 15 Jan 1729. Petit jury, 1 June 1647 [PCR 2:117]. The land at the "watering place" in south Plymouth was sold the next year, possibly as he was living in Duxbury at that time and did not need his property in south Plymouth. General Notes:John Soule was a master mariner. He married: Nathaniel was born between 1634 and 1646 and died in Dartmouth before 12 October 1699. Robert Soule had a son Miles and a grandson of George, the Emigrant, also bore that name. Moses next married Sarah Chandler about 1731. Donec gravida mi a condimentum rutrum. Rebecca was born in 1804 in Phillips Maine. RootsWeb is funded and supported by He died in probably Middleboro about 1701. Clemena was born about 1836. Samuel W. Soule was born in 1785 in Boston,Mass. These sources are attached to each ancestor so that you can personally judge their reliability. BENJAMIN SOULE, b. say 1649; fell with Capt. General Notes:Bur.Valley Cem. "[23], In the 1627 Division of Cattle, George and Mary Soule and their first son Zachariah (all with the recorded surname of "Sowle") were listed with the Richard Warren family. The family tree for George Soule should not be considered exhaustive or authoritative. His sons Zachariah and Benjamin had predeceased him.[4]. After several days of trying to get south to their planned destination of the Colony of Virginia, strong winter seas forced them to return to the harbor at Cape Cod hook, where they anchored on 11/21 November. The family is listed in the 1851-52 census of upper Canada, Middlesex County, Westminster Township Ward 3. PATIENCE SOULE, b. say 1647; m. Middleboro January 1666[/7] John Haskell [MiddleVR 1:1]. William married Mary "Polly" on 18 Oct 1796 in Avon Maine (Uppertown). Research devoted solely to this person has either not yet taken place or it is currently in progress. Descendants of George Soule are invited to join Soule Kindred in America. Research devoted solely to this person has either not yet taken place or it is currently in progress. Although his parents were Presbyterians, Joshua in 1797 joined the Methodist Episcopal church and in 1799 at the age of seventeen, was admitted on trial to the New York Conference. June 14, 2022 long lake, florence county, wi long lake, florence county, wi The most promising record found to date is the baptism of a George Soule on 9 February 1595 at Tingrith, Bedford, son of William. What's New! Alice was born about 1711 in Duxbury, Massachusetts. To put his youngest daughter to inherit his estate ahead of his eldest son would have been a major humiliation for John Soule. In 1842 he was fraternal messenger to the British and Irish Weseyan Conferences. Joshua married Mary Cushman on 14 Feb 1765 in Duxbury, Massachusetts. All the known Mayflower descendants alive today can trace their lineage to one or more of 22 male passengers: John Alden. Therefore, when at the Louisville Convention in 1845, the Methodist Episcopal Church,South was organized, Soule was present and gave approval to its work. BIRTH: By about 1602 based on date of marriage. He was buried at Myles Standish Burial Ground in Duxbury, Massachusetts as his wife Mary had predeceased him in 1676. Mayflower Passenger References, (from contemporary records and scholarly journals), by Susan E. Roser. Assessed 9s. 1665 [MFIP Soule 5]). In 1838 her parents came to Canada where they now reside. Read more, Mary Martha Corinne Morrison Claiborne Roberts (ne Boggs; born December 27, 1943), best known as Cokie Roberts, is an American journalist and author. and Milton E. Terry, PhD--Revised by, Robert S. Wakefield, FASG-Published by, General Society of Mayflower Descendants-1992-George Soule and his Descendants for Five GenerationsJohn E. Soule, Col, USA, Ret, M.C.E. George Soule's origins have not been discovered. Cited in the media as the "best actress of her generation", Streep is particularly known for her versatility and accent adaptation. Joshua married Joanna Studley on 15 Feb 1705 in Duxbury, Massachusetts. Joshua married Sarah Allen on 18 Sep 1803 in Providence, R.I.Sarah was born about 1783. Sarah was born in 1843 in Ireland and died in 1904. 1422. By the time of the next General Conference, 1824, the church had approved Soule's constitutional position, and he was again elected bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Flip the cards to discover which Mayflower passengers are the ancestors of these celebrities. He received one acre in the 1623 land division as did Marie Bucket. Aaron next married Orpan Waterman Ford on 18 Dec 1775 in Pembrooke. Judith K. Jarvis, Susan L. Levin, Donald N. Yates, Arthur Hertzberg, The Jews in America: Four Centuries of an Uneasy Encounter: a History (1997), pg. They left. [2][4], In 1633/34 Soule (as "Sowle") was taxed at the lowest rate which indicates that his estate was without much significance. Soule Kindred in America, Inc. is a non-profit organization founded in 1967 and dedicated to furthering the knowledge and understanding of American Colonial history, along with the Pilgrims and their descendants, with special emphasis on George Soule. At this same conference Soule had been elected Bishop, but when the vote on the sub-episcopate was announced he refused to be consecrated. Martha is possably Mary whose gravestone was brought to Soule Cemetary in Michigan. 1637 in Plymouth George, born ca. Susannah Soule was born about 1642, in Duxbury, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America as the daughter of George Soule and Mary Bucket. (This is present day London,Ontario, on the south bank of the Thames River and traversed by Plingnan's creek. Mary was born before 1680 in Duxbury, Massachusetts and died before 16 Jan 1755 in Duxbury, Massachusetts. George Soule Famous memorial Birth 1590 Death Jan 1679 (aged 88-89) . He was appointed the first clerk of the township on its organization and served a number of terms as a school officer. Check out the Mayflower descendants who are as famous as their pilgrim ancestors! Known for her fierce independence and spirited personality, Hepburn was a leading lady in Hollywood for more than 60 years. in the Plymouth tax lists of 25 March 1633 and 27 March 1634 [PCR 1: 10, 27]. Mary was born on 23 Dec 1744 in Plympton, Massachusetts and died on 27 Mar 1819 in Avon, Maine. [10] It would appear all helpers in the press work and distribution of "Perth Assembly" took an oath of silence that was never breached, even after King James I died in 1625. These sources are attached to each ancestor so that you can personally judge their reliability. Alec Baldwin is descended from John Tilley, Joan (Hurst) Rogers, Elizabeth Tilley, and John Howland Alexander Rae Baldwin III (born April 3, 1958) is an American actor, writer, producer, and comedian. Read more, Clinton Eastwood Jr. (born May 31, 1930) is an American actor, filmmaker, musician, and political figure. From 1820 to 1824 he held pastorates in the New York and Baltimore Conferences, making his home in Lebonan, Ohio. Twenty years later Patience and her husband sold the Middleboro estate they had received from her father. He married Margaret Ford by 1663, but had no recorded children. By the second month out, the ship was being buffeted by strong westerly gales, causing the ship's timbers to be badly shaken with the caulking failing to keep out sea water, and with passengers, even in their berths, lying wet and ill. This authoritative work by Robert Charles Anderson identifies and describes all Europeans who settled in New England prior to the end of 1633. Home of the descendants of mayflower passenger George Soule Welcome to Soule Kindred! At the first General Conference of that body in 1846, he formally adhered to, and therefore a man born in Maine became the Senior Bishop of the southern branch of the Episcopal Methodist Church. [36], George Soule made his will on 11 August 1677 and mentions his eldest son John "my eldest son John Soule and his family hath in my extreme old age and weakness been tender and careful of me and very helpful to me." But John must have done well in his father's eyes since after his father's death, he did inherit the Duxbury estate. The law, as drawn up, provided strict limitations on where tobacco could be smoked and what fines could be levied against lawbreakers. Elizabeth married Samuel White Soule, son of John Soule and Abigail White, on 3 Nov 1827 in Avon, Maine. The first generation of George Soule descendants: Zachariah, born ca. In the 1627 Plymouth division of cattle George Sowle, Mary Sowle and Zakariah Sowle were the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth persons in the ninth company [PCR 12: 12]. His origins are unknown, although research conducted by Caleb Johnson in 2009 suggests the possibility of George, son of William and Joan Soule, who was baptized at Tingrith, Bedford, England, 9 February 1594/95. Read more, is descended from Famous Mayflower Descendants . On 3 January 1636/7 George Soule and Nathaniel Thomas sued and countersued each other over two heifers [PCR 7:4]. It also promoted the connectionalism of Methodism, anve to the Methodist polity democratic and stabilizing characteristics. Read more, Rear Admiral Alan Bartlett Shepard Jr. (November 18, 1923 July 21, 1998) was an American astronaut, naval aviator, test pilot, and businessman. Moses married Mercy Southworth. And then on 1 March 1674/5 he was sentenced to be whipped for "lying with an Indian woman," and had to pay a fine in the form of bushels of corn to the Indian woman towards the keeping of her child. 1642 in Plymouth Mary, born ca. Read more, is descended from 2023General Society of Mayflower Descendants. The early methods of vesting the legislative powers of the church in a quadrennial assembly of the preachers had become so unsatisfactory, that at the general conference of 1808, a committee of which Soule was a member was appointed to prepare a more efficent plan. On 5 March 1667/8, he made an appearance in Plymouth court to "answer for his abusing of Mr. John Holmes, teacher of the church of Christ at Duxbury, by many false, scandalous and opprobrious speeches." 28 October 1645, 3 March 1645/6, 7 July 1646, 1650, 5 June 1651, 7 June 1653, 7 March 1653/4, 6 June 1654. Committee on boundaries 1 June 1658 [PCR 3:138]. View entire list of famous kin for George Soule. He was sentenced to make a public apology for his actions, find sureties for future good behavior and to sit in the stocks, with the stock sentence remitted. These ships were built in Pembrooke in the years 1782-1788 by a Captain Ichabod Thomas. He came to America on the Mayflower and was a signer of the Mayflower Pact. Following up on research published by Louise Walsh Throop in 2009, the DNA study pointed to Soule's parents as Jan Sol and his wife Mayken Labis, who are identified by their marriage as Protestant refugees in London, England, in 1586 and by the baptisms of their children before 1600 in Haarlem, Holland. Lydia married Jacob Ludden on 6 Feb 1805 in Turner, Maine. Samuel married Mae Rebecca Thomas, daughter of William H. Thomas and Margaret Smith. famous descendants of george soule. FamousKin.com cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy and reliability of these sources. [citation needed], Soule Kindred Newsletter, Vol.43 No.4, Autumn 2009, pg 10, "Record of the Celebration of the Tercentenary of the Introduction of the Art of Printing into Aberdeen by Edward Raban in the Year 1622" (Aberdeen, Scotland: The Master Printers' Guild, 1922) p. 42, Louise Walsh Throop, "William Brewster's Subterfuge" Mayflower Descendant Volume 66, Number 1 (Winter 2018) pp. Joshua married Joanna Studley on 15 Feb 1705 in Duxbury, Massachusetts. Read more, is descended from June 14, 2022. Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection. Dedicated on August 1, 1889, it is thought to be the world's largest solid granite monument. Read more, is descended from Samuel married Elizabeth Soule, daughter of William Soule and Mary "Polly", on 3 Nov 1827 in Avon, Maine. Johnson concludes by stating that the following could have put Mary Beckett hypothetically on the ship Anne sailing to America in 1623: the right age, associated with families of Mayflower surnames, within a family using the name Nathaniel, and could have had the opportunity to be transferred to another family that would eventually sail to America on the ship Anne. It is known that George came on the Mayflower and was credited to the household of Edward Winslow as a manservant or apprentice, along with Elias Story and a little girl Ellen More, who both died in the first winter. There he was known as Johann/Jan Solius (the Latin version of his name). Homer was born on 17 Jan 1869, died in 1939 in Sandusky, Michigan and was buried in Zion Cemetery. Bertha married Homer Aretus Smith, son of George Smith and Lydia E Terry, on 15 Jun 1903. He was married in Providence, R.I. Sept. 18,1803 to Sarah allen, by whom he had eleven children. George was born about 1639 and died in Dartmouth before 22 June 1704. Lydia was born about 1661. Susan married Alex McMillan. In 1802 he was ordained Deacon, and the following year, Elder. Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Droitwich, the family home of the Winslows at that time, was a salt mining place connected in a business way with the Salters' Company of London in trade, and thus the Winslow-Soule association was extablished. ResearchGeorge Soule "Silver Book" ProjectGeorge Soule ResearchMary Beckett ResearchSKA DNA ProjectSoule Descendants. Her mother remained a widow until at least 1622 (listed in that year as "Widow Buckett") further increasing the chance that her children would be sent to other families. Until 1820 the presiding elders had been appointed by the bishops and not the preachers. Winslow his wife dyed the first winter; and he is maried with the widow of Mr. White, and hath *2* children living by her marigable besides sundry that are dead. Theodore married Mary Kaske. It is known that the only Mary in Plymouth who was then unmarried was Mary Bucket (Buckett). Plymouth grand jury, 7 March 1642/3, 6 June 1643 [PCR 2:53, 56]. Earhart was the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. in the Plymouth tax lists of 25 March 1633 and 27 March 1634 [PCR 1: 10, 27]. Vice-President 5th great-grandson Ezra Pound Expatriate American Poet and Critic 334-341. 531, located in Elk Township and to the F. and A.M., Elks Lodge no. The inventory of the estate of George Soule of Duxbury, taken 22 January 1679[/80], totalled 40 l 9s., of which 25 was real estate: "dwelling house, orchard, barn and upland," 20; and "meadow land," 5; John Soule appended a long list of charges against the estate, including an item "for diet and tendance since my mother died which was three year the last December" [MD 2:83-84, citing PCPR 4:1:51]. The Winslow family from which Edward was descended lived in the nearby parish of Kempsey, Co. Worcester, and it is probable that this early neighborhood association explains the apprenticeship of George Soule to the Governor. George Young's lineage was noted in this 1771 obituary. All Rights Reserved. On 26 January 1668[/9],"G[e]orge Soule of Duxburrow" deeded to "Patience Haskall his true and natural daughter and unto John Haskall her husband all that his half share of land at Namassakett both upland and meadow having given the other half share formerly until Francis Walker" [MD 27:40, citing PCLR 3:153] On 12 March 1668[/9], " George Soul of Duxburro , husbandman," deeded to "my daughter Elizabeth wife unto Francis Walker the moiety or half share of all my purchase or purchases lying and being as before expressed in the place commonly called Namascutt"; "wife Mary Soul" relinquished her dower rights [MD 27: 40-41, citing PLR 10:2:327]. Sarah was born about 1666 and died on 4 Mar 1740 in Plympton, Massachusetts. by | Jun 30, 2022 | purplebricks houses for sale in kelso | are dogs allowed in sf city hall | Jun 30, 2022 | purplebricks houses for sale in kelso | are dogs allowed in sf city hall Asenath married William Lowe on 27 May 1793. Ancestry.com and our loyal RootsWeb community. The worst was yet to come after arriving at their destination when, in the space of several months, almost half the passengers perished in the cold, harsh, unfamiliar New England winter. He now moved th Nashville, Tenn. later establishing his home on a farm outside the city, Soule was an active Bishop until 1855. BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTE: In 1980 the General Society of Mayflower Descendants published a genealogy of five generations of descent from George Soule as the third volume in its series of silver volumes [John E. Soule and Milton E. Terry, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations, Volume Three: George Soule (Plymouth 1980), ed. Menu. [1] He was one of the signers of the Mayflower Compact . Trending; . Soule did his work so well as the Father of the Constitution, that there had been only slight inclination on the part of Episcopal Methodism to devise new means of ecesiastical law making, subsequently, he affected the polity of Methodism by his views concerning the sub-iposcopate. Maranda married Frank Wiggins on 8 Oct 1876. John was born on 24 Aug 1662 in Plymonth, Massachusetts and died on 8 Oct 1727 in Middleboro, Massachusetts. A lineal descendant of Georgge Soule who came over on the Mayflower. famous descendants of george soule . The original compact was lost. It appears the signers were members of a church group, where the age of membership was 18. In 1637 his name is on the list of those who volunteered as soldiers if the need came up. As with any good genealogical research, if you discover a link to your own family tree, consider it a starting point for further research. 1 and 2 George Soule found in U.S., New England Marriages Prior to 1700 George Soule found in American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI) In the 1627 Plymouth division of cattle George Sowle, Mary Sowle and Zakariah Sowle were the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth persons in the ninth company [PCR 12: 12]. [1][4][26], First in 1642 and last in 1662, he was assigned to at least five grand and petty juries. But after he wrote his will, on 12 September 1677 George seemed to have second thoughts and made a codicil to the will to the effect that if John or any family member were to trouble his daughter Patience or her heirs, the will would be void. Author Caleb Johnson estimates she married George Soule about 1625 or 1626. [MD 2:83]. Lillian married Lyman Robert Tenniswood in 1906 in Elk Township, Sanilac County, Michigan. This work is available in print and database form on AmericanAncestors.org. [7] Thus, based on this belief, and for five years ending in 2009, noted Mayflower researcher and biographer Caleb Johnson managed a fairly intensive search for Soule's English origins; he examined a number of likely 'George Soules' in various parts of England and subsequently concluded that the most promising candidate of all the 'George Soules' he reviewed was that of Tingrith, Bedfordshire, baptized in February 1594/5. He died before 22 June 1704, when his will is first mentioned in court. 3 [1981]) was the descendants of George Soule, and was the work of John E. Soule and Milton E. Terry. John Billington. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Zilpha Wadsworth Peleg Wadsworth Mercy Wiswall Priscilla Pabodie Elizabeth Alden JOHN ALDEN, William Cullen Bryant Sarah Snell Ebenezer Snell Zachariah Snell Anna Alden Jonathan Alden JOHN ALDEN, Cokie Roberts Marie "Lindy" Claiborne Martha Morrison Eustasia Harriss Thomas Harriss Julia Packwood Sarah Hinman Katherine Green Mary Pickett John Pickett Adam Pickett Ruth Brewster Jonathan Brewster WILLIAM BREWSTER, Benjamin Spock Louise Stoughton Ada Hooper Adeline Ripley Sarah Denny Lucretia Sargent Phineas Sargent Jonathan Sargent Jonathan Sargent Lydia Chipman Hope Howland JOHN HOWLAND, Laura Ingalls Wilder Charles Ingalls Lansford Ingalls Margaret Delano Jonathan Delano Jabez Delano Jonathan Delano Mercy Warren Nathaniel Warren RICHARD WARREN, Amelia Earhart Amy Otis Alfred Otis Isaac Otis Ephraim Otis Ephraim Otis Ephraim Otis Mercy Little Ephraim Little Anna Warren RICHARD WARREN, Amelia Earhart Amy Otis Alfred Otis Caroline Curtiss Ruth Day Abigail Gahoon Grace Fuller Joseph Fuller John Fuller Samuel Fuller EDWARD FULLER, Ashley Judd Michael Ciminella Mary Dalton William Dalton Thomas Dalton Rebecca Brewster Ebenezer Brewster Comfort Brewster Ebenezer Brewster William Brewster Benjamin Brewster Jonathan Brewster WILLIAM BREWSTER, Sally Field Richard Dryden Field Fleet Folsom Field Charlotte Berry Alexander Berry Jane Augusta Goodrich Anne Folsom John Folsom Ann Bingham Faith Ripley Hannah Bradford William Bradford [Jr.] WILLIAM BRADFORD. Read more, Richard William Wheaton III (born July 29, 1972) is an American actor, blogger, voice actor, and writer. He was an excellant administrator and was recognized as an authority on polity. Abigail was born about 1800 in Strong Maine and died in 1882 in Sommerville Maine. Norma Jean Baker)Charles Stanley Gifford Frederick Gifford Charles Gifford Lydia Tompkins Uriah Tompkins Micah Tompkins Sarah Coe Sarah Pabodie Elizabeth Alden JOHN ALDEN, Orson Welles Richard Welles Mary Head Orson Head Jonathan Head Ruth Little Fobes Little Constant Fobes Martha Pabodie Elizabeth Alden JOHN ALDEN, Noah Webster Mercy Steel Eliphalet Steel Mercy Bradford William Bradford WILLIAM BRADFORD, Clint Eastwood Margaret Runners Waldo Runners Sophia Bartholomew Cordelia Kellogg Edward Kellogg Ephraim Kellogg Ruth Hosmer Susanna Steele Thomas Steele Mary Bradford William Bradford WILLIAM BRADFORD, Alexander 'Alec' Baldwin Alexander Baldwin Alexander Baldwin Sylvester Baldwin Roswell Baldwin Esther Brown Eunice Palmer Prudence Holmes Joshua Holmes Fear Sturgis Temperance Gorham John Gorham Desire Howland JOHN HOWLAND, Humphrey Bogart Maud Humphrey John Humphrey Elizabeth Perkins Dyer Perkins Bethia Baker Prudence Jenkins Lydia Howland Joseph Howland JOHN HOWLAND, Dick Van DykeHazel McCordCharles C. McCordSusan ChildDavid Lorenzo ChildSusannah TinkhamIsaiah TinkhamNathan TinkhamIsaac TinkhamEphraim TinkhamMary BrownePETER BROWNE, Dick Van DykeHazel McCordCharles C. McCordSusan ChildDavid Lorenzo ChildSusannah TinkhamIsaiah TinkhamNathan TinkhamIsaac TinkhamEsther WrightHester CookeFRANCIS COOKE, Dick Van DykeHazel McCordCharles C. McCordSusan ChildDavid Lorenzo ChildSusannah TinkhamIsaiah TinkhamSarah SouleZachariah SouleBenjamin SouleJOHN SOULEGEORGE SOULE, Dick Van DykeHazel McCordCharles C. McCordSusan ChildDavid Lorenzo ChildSusannah TinkhamIsaiah TinkhamSarah SouleZachariah SouleSarah StandishAlexander StandishMYLES STANDISH, Dick Van DykeHazel McCordCharles C. McCordSusan ChildDavid Lorenzo ChildSusannah TinkhamIsaiah TinkhamSarah SouleZachariah SouleSarah StandishSarah AldenJOHN ALDEN, Christopher Lloyd Samuel R. Lloyd Adele Ferrier Peck Francis Peck Sarah Gorham Isaac Gorham Isaac Gorham Isaac Gorham Jabez Gorham Desire Howland JOHN HOWLAND, Richard Gere Homer Gere Albert Gere George Gere Sarah Tewksbury Lucina Fuller Consider Fuller Archippus Fuller Seth Fuller Samuel Fuller Samuel Fuller SAMUEL FULLER, Richard Gere Homer Gere Albert Gere George Gere Sarah Tewksbury Lucina Fuller Consider Fuller Archippus Fuller Seth Fuller Mercy Eaton SAMUEL EATONFRANCIS EATON, Richard Gere Homer Gere Albert Gere George Gere Sarah Tewksbury Lucina Fuller Consider Fuller Archippus Fuller Sarah Wright Adam Wright Hester Cooke FRANCIS COOKE, Richard Gere Homer Gere Albert Gere George Gere Sarah Tewksbury Lucina Fuller Consider Fuller Archippus Fuller Sarah Wright Sarah Soule JOHN SOULEGEORGE SOULE, Richard Gere Homer Gere Albert Gere George Gere Sarah Tewksbury Lucina Fuller Elkanah Elms Sarah Bennett Ruth Coombs Francis Coombs Sarah Priest DEGORY PRIEST, Richard Gere Homer Gere Albert Gere George Gere Sarah Tewksbury Lucina Fuller Consider Fuller Maria Ryder Mary Sylvester Hannah Bartlett Joseph Bartlett Mary Warren RICHARD WARREN, Christopher Reeve Barbara Lamb Horace Lamb Burt Lamb Charles Lamb Ebenezer Lamb Jerusha Ripley Ebenezer Ripley Joshua Ripley Hannah Bradford William Bradford WILLIAM BRADFORD, Sarah PalinCharles HeathStephen SamsonElizabeth SamsonMicah ThayerRhoda ThayerRhoda DamonThomas RuddockMay RuddockNellie BrandtHENRY SAMSON, Sarah PalinSarah SheeranHelen GowerJames GowerArthur GowerAbigail HawesIsaiah HawesEbenezer HawesEbenezer HawesEbenezer HawesDesire GorhamDesire HowlandJOHN HOWLAND, Sarah PalinSarah SheeranHelen GowerJames GowerArthur GowerCornelius GowerSusan NortonLydia ClaghornSusannah GibbsAbigail SmithAbigail SkiffeLydia SnowAbigail WarrenRICHARD WARREN, Sarah PalinSarah SheeranHelen GowerCora StrongAugusta GodfreyJames GodfreyBenjamin GodfreyKnowles GodfreyKnowles GodfreyGeorge GodfreyDeborah CookeDeborah HopkinsGILES HOPKINSSTEPHEN HOPKINS, Sarah PalinSarah SheeranHelen GowerCora StrongAugusta GodfreyJames GodfreyBenjamin GodfreyKnowles GodfreyKnowles GodfreyMercy KnowlesRichard KnowlesMercy FreemanMercy PrencePatience BrewsterWILLIAM BREWSTER, George Eastman Maria Kilbourn Mary Ballard Alice Fuller Mary Edgerton Alice Ripley Hannah Bradford William Bradford WILLIAM BRADFORD, George McClellan George McClellan James McClellan Rachel Abbe Mary Ripley Joshua Ripley Hannah Bradford William Bradford WILLIAM BRADFORD, Bing Crosby Harry Crosby Nathaniel Crosby Nathaniel Crosby Ruby Foster Chillingworth Foster Chillingworth Foster Mercy Freeman John Freeman Mercy Prence Patience Brewster WILLIAM BREWSTER, Vice President Dan Quayle James Quayle Marie Cline Delia Burras Oscar Burras Sally Standish Peleg Standish Zachariah Standish Zachariah Standish Ebenezer Standish Alexander Standish MYLES STANDISH, Vice President Dan Quayle James Quayle Marie Cline Delia Burras Oscar Burras Sally Standish Peleg Standish Zachariah Standish Zachariah Standish Ebenezer Standish Sarah Alden JOHN ALDEN, Hugh Hefner Glenn Hefner Lois Householder Lurena Woodward Masury Woodward Asa Woodward Mary Bradford James Bradford Thomas Bradford William Bradford WILLIAM BRADFORD, Deborah SampsonDeborah BradfordElisha BradfordJoseph BradfordWilliam BradfordWILLIAM BRADFORD, Deborah Sampson Jonathan Sampson Jonathan Sampson Lydia Standish Alexander Standish MYLES STANDISH, Anna Mary "Grandma Moses" Robertson Russell Robertson Sarah King Hezekiah King John King Sarah Reed Esther Tomson Mary Cooke FRANCIS COOKE. Oftentimes the family trees listed as still in progress have derived from research into famous people who have a kinship to this person. It appears he was accompanied by the pregnant widow of his master and probably took with him the missing press of Brewster, as well as the telltale type and initials from Brewster; Raban also apparently took with him the Sol press and type. Mary was born about 1881. John Tilley, Joan (Hurst) Rogers, Elizabeth Tilley, John Howland, Isaac Allerton, Mary Norris, Degory Priest, Richard Warren, John Cooke, and Francis Cooke, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (January 30, 1882 April 12, 1945) was an American statesman and political leader who served as the 32nd President of the United States. Lydia was born on 5 May 1713 in Duxbury, Massachusetts and died on 11 Nov 1771 in Pembrooke. Read more, is descended from However, recent DNA testing has now shown this Bedfordshire Soule family was not the direct ancestor of George Soule. Children of George and Mary (Bucket) Soule: Mayflower Families In Progress, George Soule, part 1, by Louise W. Throop.

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famous descendants of george soule